Sunday, January 27, 2008

Carnegie Hall Eco-Concert takes shape

The first ever Eco-Concert to be held at Carnegie Hall is only three weeks away. The premise of the whole idea is to build awareness of the environment and more importantly the environmental crisis we are in now through music. Obvious inspiration came from Al Gore's Live Earth. Actually this is the photo where Soyeon and I, while hanging out backstage at Live Earth (other guy pictured is my friend who works with the Dave Matthews Band) thought up the idea for an Eco-Classical music concert.
At that point in time (7/7/7) Seth (Tea-EO for Honest Tea) and I were contemplating launching the Drink Pouch Brigade and the team at TerraCycle was trying to figure out all of the things we could do with used drink pouches. (20 days later the program would launch). Ideas were floating around from handbags, to shower curtains to pencil cases. In parallel Soyeon was working out her program for her upcomming concert at Carnegie Hall. Just as the artists were changing she suggested that we bring the power of awareness created at Live Earth to her recital. Why not make a concert gown from those used juice pouches.

To make a long story short we saw the dress for the first time yesterday at a photo shoot Soyeon did for the New York Times. 6,000 used Honest Kids juice pouches never looked so glamorous! This is a close up of the material. Designer Nina Valenti asked that we cut out the center of the grape flavor of Honest Kids to make the dress. Then like fish scales the various sized squares were sewn together. It is an ingenious idea by Nina since it makes this non breathable material completely breathable.

The interest in the concert has been incredible. Tickets are going fast and a fantastic group of corporate sponsors have joined in. Honest Tea has taken the role of the lead sponsor. Rice Restaurant, a affordable eco-friendly / organic restaurant chain in NYC will be catering the after party which is being hosted by INC Magazine and Fast Company Magazine at their head office at 7 world trade center. Also Recyclebank has agreed to be a sponsor. FYI - check out Recyclebank, soon the TerraCycle Brigades will be available to all Recyclebank customers allowing them to earn Recyclebank dollars!