Friday, November 23, 2007

Busy as Bees

Hello from TerraCycle. This our very first of many blog entries to come. Check back every week to see updates about our new products, our nationwide recycling programs and all the ups and downs of building an empire on garbage. TerraCycle is very excited for 2008 with new products, new retailers and more ideas coming everyday this will be the year of the green and we hope to lead the charge. Literally hundreds of billion of pounds of waste are filling up our landfills every year. As you can see from the picture of Dr. Bill Gillum our Ph. D Chemist, we are busy as bees working to find ways to upcycle all of it! So stop in to get the most up to date info on our new ventures and find links to all our video shot live here at Worm Poop factory in Trenton.

Peace, Love and Sustainability,

The Eco-Revolutionary

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